Wrecks and Relics !!
Over the years whilst using and restoring our combines the spares situation is not as plentifull now as it was even a decade ago despite the thousands of machines built at Kilmarnock and Brantford,most combine breakers have little in the way of spares for 400/500 models and with that in mind whenever you hear of someone breaking a combine its worth the trip to salvage practicaly anything! to be honest on our small acreage the chance of using any of these spares is quite small ie gear box, wobble box, hy-dl pump,spare walker, but these parts would be vital to keep if only to gather dust but essential to keep these machines working in the future.
I have visited many places in order to remove parts from machines some combines should never of been broken as they were in mint condition but as now they are not really collectable because they can only be used for one job, they are a headache to store and move from a-to b but they were an essential piece of farm life and we are proud to keep these few machines back to highlight what has been an amazing journey through harvesting history.
Dismantling a combine isnt a very nice job i have done several and more often than not sustained cuts bruises and even minor burns!! but if you need specific parts it has to be done by hand with the use of a gas axe (oxy-cetlyne) .With the high price of scrap metal this last 2 /3yrs many machines have gone to china to probably return as frying pans or such like but for sure the items remade from there metal will probably live on as recycling is the the way of the world now.
These are a few photos of some machines that were used for spares unfortunately i never photographed all the machines that i visited.
This 515 had been stored outside for some time but was in reasonably good condition, it belonged to a collector in Devon we had hoped to secure a deal on this machine but unfortunately at that time we never had any suitable storage.
But we have learnt a home was found some time later and the machine wasn't broken.
I was invited down to Dorset to look at this 510 which had sat in this shed since 1979! Never turning a wheel, unfortunately the open shed was south west facing and the weather had blown in and taken the inevitable toll on the tin work! Also the Perkins 6 cylinder was stuck solid, the metal on the combine was as brittle as egg shell!! It was a great shame !.
I was asked to go and look at this very late 525 several years ago, although stored undercover it had received a hard life as can be seen by the bodywork also when ran up it was suffering from severe vibration possibly drum bearings or countershaft problems , the rear end had received a lot of battle damage unfortunately, it was destined for the scrap man unfortunately which was a great shame because the serial number confirmed it was the ninth combine from the last built at Kilmarnock!!
Front of combine looking better, note the grey wheel rims also the top handrail extension added around the operator station, this was added on later built models as a health and safety addition!! Unfortunately I heard of more than one occasion when folding up the access steps the top rail would dip down and push the manual gear selector lever in gear, and if combine was running it could prove disastrous!! And such an incident happened in a mf dealers yard when the combine was being pdi before delivery, and it careered into a tractor doing substantial damage!! But thankfully not injuring anyone, alterations were soon made to prevent this happening again.
stringhini antonio
cerco ventola motore 6354 mietitrebbia mf 520
Good site. Am looking for a 6 cylinder A6-354 Perkins engine in good running condition for MF 55O combine
Colin cloude
Thank you !
Contact Dave Pantry in the UK
Mobile number 07775927581.
He might be able to ship one !
Regards colin
andy blagg
Hi could i have an e mail address so i can forward some pics
andy blagg
Just bought a lovely m f 892 hoping to use it and my allis model a to cut wheat
Colin Cloude
Hi Andy, send some pictures in if you can! I will feature at a later date! Colin